Custom Decor
We know our rentals may not fit your taste, but we wanted to offer the opportunity to create your own rental designs. Let us work together to curate custom decor at the cost of rentals. Check out our process below!
Contact Us
Head down to the bottom of this page to fill out an initial contact form. In the message section, describe the idea you have in mind with as little or as much detail as you have.
Creative Meeting
During our first meeting, we will discuss what kind of decor you are needing. if you have an idea in mind, we will look at inspiration. If you are needing creative guidance, we will discuss themes, colors, and create something together.
Begin Crafting
After receiving your deposit, I will begin crafting your design!
Final Meeting
As I finish the final details, you will have the chance for another call to get a look at the completed design before your event. You will also have the option to make any last minute changes.
Set up a meeting
We will respond to your contact form to set up a time to chat that works best for you.
Initial Cost Outline
After our meeting, I will take roughly 5-7 days to get an estimated amount to make your decor based on research on the cost of material required.
MidPoint Meeting
Once reaching a halfway point in the crafting process, we will meet again at a time that works for you to show you the progress, and discuss any changes that need to be made.
Event Day
On the day of your event, I will arrive during your set up time with your decor, ready to set up. Then, at the end of your event I will tear down the decor and take it with me, leaving you stress free.

Business Details
Phone: Contact us to find out ;)
Email: etayloredtoyou@gmail.com
Serving Kentucky and Southern Indiana
Buisness Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
​​Saturday - Sunday: 10am - 2pm